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M451: Mathematical Computing with MATLAB©

Assignment 1: Getting Started


Be sure to type diary on to start your work session. Please name your diary file (first initial)(Last name)L01. For example, my file would be jMearsL01.

  1. Find the follow quantities using MATLAB©.
    $$ \dfrac{2^{5}}{2^{5}-1},\quad\quad \sqrt{6} + e^{10.45},\quad\quad \sin\left(\sqrt{8} + 1\right) $$

  2. Showing off some features of MATLAB©. Type the following commans into MATLAB© exactly and examine the output produced by each command. Describe what each command does and describe the output in a comment after each command. Use the help command if necessary.

    • floor(16.78328)
    • lcm(6,4)
    • ezplot('x^2',-2,2)
    • quad(@(x) exp(x),0,1) (Hint: quad stands for "quadrature" which is a word used to describe numerical integration. What is $\int_{0}^{1} e^{x}\, dx$?)

  3. Assign the value of $\cos(\pi - 1)$ to a variable named $x$, the value of $e^{3}$ to a variable $y$, and their sum to the variable $z$. Do not suppress the output.

  4. Use the help command to determine what the functions abs and asin do. Then find $\vert - 3 \vert$ and $\arcsin(1)$.

© 2020 Justin L. Mears

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